When one enters the enchanting world of Florence Fancy, they are immediately struck by its total dedication to the art of dressing children beautifully. Housed on top of a charming brownstone on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, the company was founded by entrepreneur and mother of two Nancy McCormick, as the fashion source for discerning customers who want their children to look, and feel, stylish and distinctive.
Nancy knows that children’s clothing is a form of creative expression for those who select it. Parents’ perceptions of their child’s personality are reflected in what they choose for their youngsters’ wardrobe. Little princesses will adore our feminine dresses that are elegant, graceful, and made of ethereal fabrics. Your rough-and-tumble little fellow, who loves to bring the sandbox home with him, will love our sturdy, no-nonsense play clothes that will reflect his lifestyle and withstand multiple countless trips to the laundry.
The Florence Fancy Collection features clothing for specific occasions, as well as pieces that are multi-purpose. The fabrics, often specially made for individual garments, are durable and easy to wear. Patterns are bright, colorful, and fun - the three main ingredients that make children love the clothes they wear.
Please join our e-mail list to receive invites to private trunk shows in our Upper East Side showroom, or call (212)-988-8746 and we would be happy to help you schedule a visit. We are open Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM.
Florence Fancy Children's Clothing
53 East 75th Street, 4A